Selbst auf der höchsten Reverb-Einstellung, auch wenn diese anfangs etwas ungewohnt ist, hört sich doch alles deutlich natürlicher an, als bei Dolby Headphone. Thats about where it stopped. new balance m860gy9 Wore them at work for first time today. - Scheda riassuntiva con conteggio in tempo reale dei passi, km, minuti, calorie bruciate e allerta di stato di sedentarietà. new balance m860gy9 My son purchased 2 pair and loves them. new balance m860gy9 My only issue, and it is a really minor one, if you wear trouser pants, the pant tends to slip under the back of the heel. Measure your space carefully. I have been through a few different pairs of Bluetooth headphones and they end up failing after about a month. new balance m860gy9 I love them IF the bottom is flat. Buy these right now!
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