Even a few minutes of research on the net will clearly show that the HD598 SE does leak sound due to its open back design. They are sending out a new headset, so a big Thank You to them for that. t shirt ck they are still comfy even with the elastic being tighter than expected as the elastic is quite soft, but just thought Id warn other people. La qualité nest pas au rendez-vous concernant le micro : Mes contacts se plaignent dun léger grésillement en fond. t shirt ck Audio quality is ok on bluetooth, slightly better with provided 3. t shirt ck Everything is good except when I received these shoes they were damaged. I rate this product 3 stars! I got several compliments on them at my bridal shower and plan to wear them again for the rehersal dinner. t shirt ck Also because of the ball/bump it makes your feet go off to the side of the shoe away from the hump which makes the Velcro strap come apart while walking. The straps that came with the bag were slightly larger than the hole in the clips.
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