It seemed easy at first, but the slide together bits work great until you get enough of them together to have some tension. I found I focused mostly on trying to keep my balance and not falling off more than on the workout. bostonian men's ipswich apron oxford I cut the elastic off and it solved the issue. They also had poor seams that had string pieces hanging off. bostonian men's ipswich apron oxford Might last better/longer under a normal size human, Im pretty big. bostonian men's ipswich apron oxford If Corsair just improved the speakers I would take that in a second over these. So if your foot is somewhat chunky, it may not adjust to your foot. Order one size up if you dont want a fight to put these on every time you wear them. bostonian men's ipswich apron oxford It’s too late to return them, so in the trash they go. Wenngleich ein Meter mehr nicht geschadet hätte.
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