This was also not an issue. positiv:- bequem durch Fußbett und leicht federnde Sohle, "air cushion" unter der Ferse- sieht nicht zu outdoormäßig aus, sondern etwas eleganter- Querriemen passt sich an bei hohem Spann- schöne Farbe: blaugraunegativ:- fällt ca. effy rose gold Im giving it a five star rating because, so far, it has work extremely well. Then I put the 5s (4X) on the bottom center peg,& the locks on the top center pegs. effy rose gold Great comfortable shoe. effy rose gold I am in love with these flip flops, they are extremely comfortable and provide excellent cushioning when walking. These are Papillio by Birkenstock and you can see several different styles of Papillio sandals on the Birkenstock website. (4) "leopard point" should likely be "Leopard JASPER. effy rose gold They are in serious need of a dramatic stretch. All I wear in the house now is two old pairs of mwb sandals with leather top straps.
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