Feet feel too hot. I just found a pair and ordered them instantly. v00zd4bw9 Upon comparison, the instruments can be heard with the Sennheisers but not with the same precision and tonal quality. Percussion is handled extremely well and it is easy to hear intricate high hat details which are lost with the Sennheisers. v00zd4bw9 The rub with this new pair comes from there being a label stitched into the insole over the pile of each shoe, so as to provide a point of irritation to the bottom of ones feet. v00zd4bw9 I have even showed my co-workers and a few have already purchased. None of them fit all that well. Its just like using an Xbox controller. v00zd4bw9 So soft! Alas, I had high hopes for these slipper socks!