No complaints from me. Charge lasts awhile our generation cute as pie It does a great job canceling out computer sounds from passing back through the mic, but if a person is talking at the same time their voice is severely broken up to other listeners on the meeting. Ive always had dreams of taking amazing photos of the stars, so I got a Sony A7, and this lens based on the recommendation of lonelyspeck. our generation cute as pie One of the best parts about them is the ability to listen to music while you have earplugs in. our generation cute as pie I did notice that 300 feet was NOT a reality scenario for me with my Note9. A great alternative. Buying them refurbished through amazon cuts the price down to 90 dollars. our generation cute as pie I was worried that navigating 4 GB of music without a display on the device would be impossible, but with double-clicking the prev/next-buttons too switch between folders it works quite well. In summary, they are fine as general headphones, but not great for the other stuff.
our generation cute as pie