Vielleicht gibt sich dies bei mehrmaligem Tragen, wenn sich dieser Riemen etwas weitet. Ive had this rack for 6 years and its been through bad weather quite a few times so that elastic is cracking and eventually will snap with enough force. carhartt tall shirt Conclusion: OK but not quite good value. Usually get 2years of constant use out of a pair. carhartt tall shirt Other than that I love them! carhartt tall shirt As others have mentioned, the plug shape makes it so you cant plug two into one outlet. When I got it, I didnt imagine using it this much. Im giving them 2 stars for sound quality. carhartt tall shirt The legs and butt fit the same as the black BUT the waist is bigger on both. The button is at the bottom of the battery tray which the directions didnt really stand out on where that was at first.
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