I photographed them on a nickel gray colored carpet so you can see the comparison. They roll over them with their chairs, drop stuff on them, etc. hover 1 green hoverboard Comfy, easy to slip off and on. now that they’ve burned in, the clarity of the sound from these ‘phones has become apparent- the profile is neutral - but this doesn’t mean these beryllium drivers lack any bass- it’s beautifully layered without being overpowering - and the mids and high end are beautifully balanced and provide loads of high definition detail whilst not being uncomfortable to listen to. hover 1 green hoverboard sad and not satisfied at all. hover 1 green hoverboard Some have criticized the sound quality, but these sound fine to me. The bundled cables feel extremely cheap and theres no USB-C charging support which doesnt feel right in 2019. I have 2 of them and both are jammed full. hover 1 green hoverboard Says they are very comfortable and has them on every day. Most comfortable and durable sleepers ever!
hover 1 green hoverboard