I always try to give decently positive reviews for a product. Great quality shoe, package came on time. sunbeam fleece heated blanket queen ケーブルは程よい太さでしなやかなため、扱いやすい。しかし、マイクの延長に使ったところ、すさまじくノイズを拾い使い物にならなかった。ケーブルを切断してみると、シールド線ではなく、外皮の中に3本のコードがあるだけでした。説明文には「二重のシールド」と書かれていたのに残念です。あまり長くないものをヘッドホンやLine(AUX)接続に使うならいいかもしれません。マイクに使うなら若干値段は高くなりますが、シールド線を使っているものにしましょう。MillSO のものも買ったのですが、こちらはきちんと2重シールド(アルミ箔+網線)になっていて、性能は良いです。 I have a small, narrow head so I have to adjust it as small as it gets so there is a slight tendency for the ear pads to shift down by themselves. sunbeam fleece heated blanket queen Now to address the elephant in the room. sunbeam fleece heated blanket queen Those slides feel fake :(Even the visual sucks - they do not look even color wise, one is much lighter in color scheme than the other (attaching the picture). Took 1 star off for poor durability, and another for misleading product photos and Fiskr "support" - they can only speak broken English. I stood across the room and talked with my kids dad in my regular soft spoken voice, and my 4 year old still heard me. sunbeam fleece heated blanket queen I did that and they were wonderful in my shoes, but I couldnt find slippers that take custom inserts. Lovely and very durable.
sunbeam fleece heated blanket queen