One pair the connector ripped off on the second day I had them and the other pair one of the headphones died after two weeks of use. Me gustaron y fueron lo que esperaba. hrr2164tda This is pretty well the opposite of what they direct but it is how you overcome the leg assembly issue that some other people have mentioned in the comments above. got a bit of a belly, but rest of my bod not bad for a 62 yr old! hrr2164tda The rack is a simple design that looks great in my kitchen. hrr2164tda The work around I use is to place thick neoprene under each support hook to add more cushion, so far so good(as long as neoprene doesnt slip enroute Ill be good). Perfect ! 5, Bass 7, Fit for running 7. hrr2164tda THESE KEENS have some rubberized support in those easy to wear out areas, and last a long time! Went with other reviews and ordered up.