All-round great mouse, Im sure you dont need me to say so. Die Oberschnalle schnürrt die Füße ein, das Gehgefühl will sich einfach nicht mehr einstellen. iw390406 I had several different types of sewing scissors and I needed quick access to them. I keep one open to pull from during the day and one upside down that I add to. iw390406 The aural differences between the 4 and 5 are even less. iw390406 Later I will let you know when she try’s it on! I still use my huge over ear wired headphones when I listen to serious music though. If you try to remove it, it stretches. iw390406 But Haflinger now is making these in several factories and in several eastern European countries. I plugged the big looking, flexible bud covers into my ears and they molded graciously to fit me.