Werde ich den Zweiten auch Retoure schicken?Er spielt mir kristallklar Nachts im Bettchen um1:00 Vivaldi vor, so unglaublich realistische Violinen, unfassbar! Normally green, it flashes red when you get too loud and would cause distortion. vn0a54f14g6 The holes and hardware didnt quite line up, making this a little difficult to assemble. Excelente producto, es igual a la imagen que se aprecia en la publicidad, lo recomiendo vn0a54f14g6 Was so excited to get my earbuds for my S7. vn0a54f14g6 I work in a hospital and am on my feet all day. I work in a kitchen and the floor is constantly wet, and these are not very safe in that aspect, but I dont run around and usually I am very careful as to where I put my feet. After spending a whole ten minutes installing it the problem was resolved. vn0a54f14g6 I liked it too, but I could only use it on my legs. Guess I have to break them in.