Die früheren "Made in Italy Modelle" waren echt top Produkte. I ended up buying two pairs as the I ordered wrong based on those reviews. space hippie 03 healing jade this is trash Very sturdy and great color which matches my floor. It slipped over perfectly and it presented a soft buffer between my shower doors and tile walls. space hippie 03 healing jade this is trash It does have a rubbery smell. space hippie 03 healing jade this is trash Furthermore the "accessories bag was ripped open and two screws where loose in the box. I wear hearing aids so am unable to use the type which come with my ipod, and these phones fit really snugly over my ears and do not cause any feedback from the hearing aids. Two major flaws, though:1. space hippie 03 healing jade this is trash Finally, a pretty shoe that my arthritic knees can get behind! the black version is an upgrade from the grey version, i bought the grey one first but it was giving me problems , the black one is a single latch setup vs the rubber band and strap method on the grey .
space hippie 03 healing jade this is trash