The holes lined up fine. And the velvet is really nice! tissot t1164101104700 However if you dont mind fake products, it is a very very good replica of the real deal that it would be very hard to tell at a glance. Same size. tissot t1164101104700 Update 2: Less then a month later the replacement is beginning to develop a similar defect as the first unit (this time its the audio cutting in and out more frequently). tissot t1164101104700 Memory foam is soft; lining is very plush but not too furry. Arrived broken and missing one However, I would rebuy these in a heart beat because they fit and don’t cost much. tissot t1164101104700 The pros are its unique design and convince factor. Before purchasing a dip bar attachment for my rack, I was most concerned about whether the dip bars would be a comfortable width apart, and whether the angle of the bars would put too much pressure on my wrists.
tissot t1164101104700