I get many compliments about them and they definitely think they cost more than they do. This forced me to return the earpads right away. vivienne westwood flat orb necklace I messaged the seller who said I most likely received a defective product and said I would have to contact amazon. The wheels lock in place if needed. vivienne westwood flat orb necklace Thats all I really wanted! vivienne westwood flat orb necklace I suppose it dried up from the California heat or something like that. To get this anywhere near 4 inches you have to bend it completely out of shape and it would not fit against the wall. However, being that they clearly have battery issues, I would not purchase this again. vivienne westwood flat orb necklace I had to wash them 2 times already once every 7 days. The off ear (not sure what to call it?) end is rectangular and with rounder versions I have not had this problem.
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