No, its not perfect - these are flip-flops - but this is the best flat-foot support Ive gotten in a flip-flop! Fits my ears great. lv soft trunk bag Also price reduced quite consdierably day after but as Amazon no longer do 30 or 7 day price promise could not get difference back. I order 10. lv soft trunk bag donc une étoile en moins d’autant que la boîte s’est cassé dans mes mains et que le lien entre les deux hp est sensible au parasiteJe compte acheter le nouveau modèle espérant plus de solidité et moins de problème avec le hp esclaveSi vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas, je réponds sous 48 h. lv soft trunk bag Dispongono infatti di Bluetooth, DTS Surround e la possibilità di avere 2 input audio nello stesso momento. ConsigliateAggiungo una nota a 3 anni dallacquisto. When you have a long conversation (2+ hours), you would really appreciate the light weight and behind the neck design. lv soft trunk bag These earpieces will last. To sum it up in a TL;D - as a user of the T6s and T10s (T10 were my favorite of the two), My first impressions are to switch to these as my daily driver earbuds for now, a spot the T10s held for a really long time now.
lv soft trunk bag