I use them to drive as a transit operator. Daniel Green slippers do not fit a normal foot in a normal way. sur377 Very good product and price It seemed like there must be some solution to remedy the problem so I was delighted to see that Bose sold replacements that just snapped in and at $35 or so was a lot cheaper than buying new headphones which still operated perfectly. sur377 My biggest gripe is they are so uncomfortable and keep falling off my head all the time. sur377 They really sound about as good as my Focals which I love, and those are over ear. I dont recommend this product unless you buy your own adhesive and even then its not all that durable. Ella se quejaba mucho de dolor y ardor en las plantas de sus pies. sur377 Tanto por la cantidad de clicks que soporta y por la calidad que se siente, dudo que te duren mas de 1 año. However it is important to note that these are only for the bikes with tiny wheels such as the balance bikes.