These are in ear professional reference monitors, and they are cheaper than the ones that are custom molded using impressions taken by an audiologist and hand fabricated. I would send it back if I had the patience of taking it back apart. bart simpson shirt Well that was the end of using any of my equipment for a few weeks until I had time today to take a closer look at what might have happened. The instructions are clear, and honestly all you really have to do is plug parts together, no Allen key or screw drivers necessary. bart simpson shirt If it werent for this, Id give them 5 stars. bart simpson shirt Very good fit and very lite shoe doesn’t look like seconds with good stitching and sole is bonded very well. The review stands though. I even set my movie player (Pot Player which I highly recommend) to use the Bluetooth headphones and they still get out of sync with the audio. bart simpson shirt The mic is PRISTINE and sounds pretty nice for what it is, got all black so it be lookin kinda fresh doe. Want it to really shine? A little soap will have this shoe looking brand new in minutes.
bart simpson shirt