Still very pleased with the product. After more than 1 hour of wearing, my ears do get a tad sweaty, but I do not notice until I take them off. raquel diniz dresses So I felt confident in ordering these shoes based on the description page and the fact that it stated FREE RETURNS. Some notes and quirks:<> The buttons are touch capacitive like the buttons on your phone except for the power and call buttons which is a minor annoyance to me. raquel diniz dresses I was expecting something the size of a lunch box but this is larger and wider by several inches. raquel diniz dresses I tried other ones for snowboarding helmets and the speaker pods were too large and connecting wire too short. The only thing I dont like is the bottom is a more slick surface so after wearing them for a long period of time, your feet slip around if they get sweaty or wet. I needed these today for work too so now I have to go out and buy some. raquel diniz dresses I have cuts along my feet and toes. I like the bluetooth because you have to turn the bottom earpiece to change ears instead of disconnecting and using a separate piece.
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