5センチなのでかかとの部分が少し出るので29センチでもよかったかも足幅が広く分厚いので窮屈でないか心配だったがサイズぴったりで一安心足先の部分が少しふくれてるので少し違和感があるが慣れれば問題なし注文した次の日に配送してもらい、その翌日に無事到着しました Hopefully will last and durable tooWill definitely recommend red wide fitting shoes ladies After the reset method didnt work and JLab customer support was unable to provide any additional help on fixing them I decided to replace them with another pair. (Others beware, Elgato is here to play! red wide fitting shoes ladies It will sound like a HS kid who got a new stero system and has it turned up so loud it rattles the windows on the buildings as they drive by. red wide fitting shoes ladies I downgraded and bought the RIG 400 LX as a replacement and couldnt be happier. Otherwise your new cushions will not be placed properly and will look separated from the headset (thanks to another review I was aware of this! These run a bit narrow. red wide fitting shoes ladies So go get better screws before mounting. The plastic housing on mine cracked under moderate use, making all of these problems worse.
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