The picture I feel misrepresents the product. Demographics: 28 years old, Male, 511" -- Schwinn Thrasher Helmet -- NiteRider Lumina 750 flashlight girl cowboy boots The slips on the top do not chafe like other sandals did too my feet after a long time of wear. It’s overwhelming, but at ‘Your Own Pace’ if you catch my drift. girl cowboy boots I bought 3 different colors. girl cowboy boots I hope this helps someone make a decision out there! The only issue I’ve had was some pore clogging at the beginning, but my skin has mostly gotten used to this thick layer of moisture. )- DPI Button with up to 4 on-the-fly dpi changes (also can be programmed to a key)- 2 custom buttons both on the inside of the mouse (more on that below)Meh (Opinion)- No Braided Cable (they fray)Cons- Worst scroll wheel I have ever seen in my life* (UPDATE: Scroll wheel is actually VERY good for games if you use it to switch weapons/items if because the notches are there to stop you from saying, switching 1 too much, otherwise, the scroll wheel is pretty meh because it just FEELS clunky)- Cable girl cowboy boots The materials make them suitable for any kind of messy weather fall or winter weather. One was terrible.
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