I finally got them the one of the handles is broken. Ein Originalaustausch erscheint mir jedoch nicht möglich (und von Seiten des Herstellers auch nicht gewollt?), da deren Befestigung nicht geschraubt, sondern genietet ist. kith & co If you screw too tightly the ring will split. 5 wide but according to the reviews I decided to order 9 wide and it was perfect. kith & co Great product for the price! kith & co That got to be pretty expensive! Product came exactly as described with all the accessories (no original packaging or manual, but that was to be expected) and the original hard shell case. Was not able to use any other functions. kith & co Great looking and Easy -Look stylish-Fit my ears well-Comfortable especially with replacement memory foam tipsCons:-Silicone tips suck.
kith & co