Hand wash in woolite or in a mesh laundry bag on the gentle cycle and it will wear nicely for a long time. The pair I received were nothing like those in the picture. vn0a3wkt4fy I was kind of surprised to see that its only held on with a tiny bit of weak adhesive. Aussi, je nai pas de très grandes mains alors son format est parfait pour moi. vn0a3wkt4fy For the price, for only $35, these are great for what I use them if not perfect. vn0a3wkt4fy Wie man auf den Foto sieht, dieser gap ist beweglich und der Grund warum ich am anfang dass Bedürfnis hatte es zurückzugeben, da es Geräusche macht wenn man sich bewegt. Not recommended. 1 stuck to the wall but wouldn’t stick to the hook. vn0a3wkt4fy Cheaply made It should be noted that my taller heels couldnt quite stand up in the boxes, so I simply laid them on their sides, just like in a regular shoe box.