Wirklich schade, denn die Maus hat mir gefallen. I will be returning for more of these. xplr s 2 (all devices are not equal), sound quality is 4/5 and tuned for quality more than decibels. My only negative is the length of the power cord, but I probably have an extra lefty over from another device that I can swap out. xplr s As a 6 mile walker I expected these shoes to be what Skechers are known for. xplr s I love the fact it’s free standing because it can simply be placed anywhere at ease and it also makes moving easier. I have experience issues with the O rings deteriorating. Push another way, not sensitive enough. xplr s I still highly recommend them for comfort and cuteness, however just be aware that they do NOT have support in the bottom, they are slipper SOCKS. Win win for this Dad.
xplr s