Ich war zunächst etwas kritisch, weil die etwas teurer sind. The soles were not dirty or scuffed at all! stylish gaun Still would prefer the leopard print because I just like leopard print. I originally ordered the medium because the reviews said it runs big. stylish gaun Easy to check the sound just by turning it off/on via the remote. stylish gaun Sound quality is great coming from Sony it does not disappoint. If they are Adidas they should be ashamed of themselves for the horrible stitching. We started he process of getting a replacement product only to be informed that they will not be providing a prepaid shipping label for a defective product. stylish gaun The top fabric is a bit like a light winter puffy-coat fabric, sort of water repellent, but also wouldnt wear it out in the rain. My elderly dad wanted some sturdy slippers so I got him these, he said they are warm and comfortable and provide some support.
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