Very fast set up. About half size bigger. MK black clutch It was time for an upgrade from the pile of shoes on the ground. They breathe nicely too so my feet dont sweat. MK black clutch These are the comfiest trainers in the whole world. MK black clutch Thanks a lot Amazon and China. The work around I use is to place thick neoprene under each support hook to add more cushion, so far so good(as long as neoprene doesnt slip enroute Ill be good). And I really dislike the in-ear variety that pierce through your ear canal because they hurt my ears in a matter of minutes. MK black clutch PRO TIP:While Skullcandys have great sound quality, they do not always last - however, the company has an amazing warranty. but as soon as these hit my ears, the music came ALIVE!
MK black clutch