) Surprise! Very well built and stable. reebok print run 3.0 The arm holds the weight of the yeti though which is the only thing that came out how I was expecting. Both slippers have torn at the seams. reebok print run 3.0 In it’s designed mount on top of my frame my knees would rub. reebok print run 3.0 these fit perfect with a little wiggle room at the toe bed. It would hold a really large bottle which is a plus. Yo los uso principalmente para ir a correr y gracias a lo que ya comente, se ajustan perfectamente a la oreja lo cual hace que todo el tiempo se queden en su sitio. reebok print run 3.0 Es difícil de explicar, como que el sonido de las teclas no es alto sino ruidoso, pareciera que al pulsar una tecla su resorte metálico hace un sonido agudo que NO es ni el sonido del plástico ni el click, si quieres puedes buscar un video de sound test en YouTube y subir el volumen para escucharlo. The 2s were in great condition, the box was perfect, the shoes fit perfectly.
reebok print run 3.0