They are comfortable and light. The insoles are very plush and comfy, but the shoes are smaller/shorter than the standard shoe sizes. julius k9 front control belt with d ring I originally purchased a pair a couple of years ago and these are the exact same model, they just changed the name. It’s better than the titan sissy squat and has more value for the money! julius k9 front control belt with d ring Price - 4/5 - Airpods are very expensive but if you are looking for a permanent solution and willing to spend nearly $200 go for those. julius k9 front control belt with d ring Easy put away. Great but be careful you will get swamp foot with these wearing them all the time. As for what I dont like as much:I think its really tacky of them to put brand them as "UGG Austrailia" when they clearly say "made in China" on the tag inside. julius k9 front control belt with d ring These were nice at first, but started to hurt his feet. I really appreciate how low key this headset it, black and green, no flashy lights, just solid performance.
julius k9 front control belt with d ring