For the curious, these are the two buttons on the left-click button, and the aim button (which is actually nifty for temporarily dropping the dpi for when youre sniping). Options for PS4 and Xbox are a joke. tiny aussies My right foot is the one that hurts and the whole time I wore the shoes (2 hours) my foot hurt terribly. It seems Im a "medium 1/2". tiny aussies He comprado 2 pares de cada una de las marcas y lo he comparado directamente por tener un precio y calidad muy parecidos. tiny aussies I kinda wonder if the high sides of the shoe will rub uncomfortably on my ankle bone since they are pretty stiff-- I will update the review if this occurs. Nowhere is this mentioned. Loved it at first but could see it coming. tiny aussies However, the blue dye is transferring onto my feet a bit, which I would expect not to happen considering the price. Otherwise I would have tripped on the dangling strap.
tiny aussies