We did a lot of research on options before purchasing but were very happy with this decision. Its absolutely irresponsible to sell shoes around the world with wrong sizes. adidas art db0242 [edit 08/2020]Habe nach einem weiteren Jahr Anfang 2020 aus Kulanz ein paar neue Ohrpolster von Sennheiser bekommen (das mittlerweile 3. These are so great. adidas art db0242 As well, my feet are wide and also expand in the heat, but the ability to adjust the velcro near my toes is great. adidas art db0242 two end caps and moldings. My only complaint was that one strap broke not 3 days into using. I cant say for sure why I picked this one over any of the others, but I did and these are my opinions on what I received. adidas art db0242 How hard is that to get right? Really really annoyed. EDIT:Nochmals die selbe Maus bestellt in der Hoffnung das es keine Probleme geben wird.
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