Die Verschlussgummis am Mausboden sind auch absolute Staubfänger und lassen sich nicht abnehmen, weil festgeklebt. Honestly one of the best Bluetooth I’ve had. acronym presto hypebeast I can’t say that it is the most comfortable earphone, but then again, I cant imagine what device that goes in the ear can truly be comfortable after an hour. Im going to see if local shoe repair store can fabricate and install a substitute metal clip, though the store owner takes vacations in places I cant afford :) acronym presto hypebeast She has a narrow foot and after adjusting the buckles she wore them all day without any issues. acronym presto hypebeast I love my P220! Perfect so nice weather outside. A couple of days later, MORE discoloration and kind of like a web-like look to the stem. acronym presto hypebeast Got a small. Overall, 4 out of 5 stars.
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