My original bag saw it’s demise recently and although I’ve plenty of other bags I missed this one. Really easy to fold and has the added plus of being able to be carried over your shoulder. There was a delay in getting these to me, but the seller was very helpful in rectifying the situation.The trainers themselves are great. Lightweight and comfortable. The size is as expected. croc effect bucket bag Great watch, seems to be very high quality. I havent had any issues with it other than the fact that the time will be wrong on it if you dont wear it often because its an automatic watch. But obviously thats a feature all automatic watches have.I would recommend this watch to anyone that has a reletivly low budget range since it seems to be a great watch.Ive had this watch for a couple of weeks now I wear it everyday and it hasnt gotten scratched, washing the dishes or washing my hands doesnt cause Ottime,morbide e calzano benissimo croc effect bucket bag Scarpe molto comode e leggere ai piedi. Buona vestibilità, pianta larga. Prodotto come da foto, solo un po lunghi i tempi di consegna... ma lo immaginavo con la spedizione gratuita. croc effect bucket bag Come in foto molto ben fatta e fascia bene ma attenzione se non avete un gran bel fisico non prendetela perché non fa miracoli Assolutamente utili! Ormai fisse nella borsa da mare. Consiglio di prendere un numero più grande perché calzano piccole molto comode, a pianta larga, gomma morbida e dai colori molto vivaci. ottimo prodotto!!! croc effect bucket bag Il sandalo molto carino e comodo, mia figlia non li vorrebbe togliere più dai piedi. My 8 year old son got this for Christmas and he loves it.The fit is good and he like the feel of it. He is average height and weight and the shirt fits well.It has the silky feel to it. Not sure how warm it would be on a very cold day but because of the fit it can be worn under a coat.All in all a great product
croc effect bucket bag