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Whilst the heel on these shoes is quite high (10cm), they are not uncomfortable to wear albeit, the size is slightly smaller than expected - I suspect that going up a size would be the recommended course of action.The material (prase leather, whatever that is) is rather soft and the matt black finish is quite attractive to look at.Overall, a great pair of shoes, both for looking at and for wearing (but a bigger size is needed). Habe einen breiten Vorderfuß mit Hallux und trage 41, die hier auch genau passt. Trage die Schuhe jetzt fast täglich und besonders gerne zum Autofahren.Die Sneakers sind lässig und bürotauglich durch die Slipperform. Super zu schmalen und kürzeren Hosen, auch zu Röcken denkbar. Verkürzt optisch den Fuß.Sohle ist sehr flach. Platz für eine stützende Einlegesohle wäre drin. Verarbeitung ist gut.Ich bin sehr zufrieden und denke über ein zweites Paar in einer anderen Farbe nach. stan smith wikipedia adidas In genere porto la M, ma in questo caso ho dovuto scegliere la S che comunque risulta abbondante, specie le maniche.E molto comoda, in inverno si presta a essere usata indossando altro sotto. Adatta probabilmente anche per primavera/autunno. Don’t be fooled. You don’t get 2.4ltr of filtered water, the empty jug without the inserts is 2.4.You only get about 1.1ltr if actual filtered water ready to use. If, once filtered through, you fill the chamber up again, the hug will overflow once filtered. So you can only pass water through the once.Purchased this as it said 2.4ltr but it should say 1.1ltr filtered capacity.Not impressed. stan smith wikipedia adidas Produkt super stan smith wikipedia adidas Se los compre para mi sobrino, es muy alto, le quedaban perfecto, tenia 2 años, ya no le sirven , pero han quedado nuevos, para el próximo¡¡ buena compra¡¡¡ Appena ammorbidita la calzata ma troppo piatto e con poco supporto al tallone. L’arco plantare è forse troppo accentuato, dipende dal tipo di piede. Complessivamente si percepisce l’ammortizzazione in gel ma senza troppo sollievo durante la corsa (le ho usate solo per Running) Le scarpe sono come me le aspettavo sotto il lato estetico mentre come comodità mi hanno deluso mi sono uscite delle vesciche. Premetto che io adopero Buffalo da tanto e ho molti modelli questo è il primo che mi fa’ venire le vescicheper quello do’ 4 stelle stan smith wikipedia adidas Protegge molto, diversamente dalle altre cover protegge veramente la fotocamera tripla I have been using barricades for probably the last 10 years. I didnt realize how good a shoe it was until they stopped making it for a bit here. This shoe comes close to the barricade performance. It has an independent tongue, which some of the other Adidas shoes do not have. This is huge, as it really makes the shoe much easier to put on and adjust. It is also slightly wider on the front end, with a little ledge that comes out of the outside part of the shoe. This is added stability, but also a

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