defense buying more I’m not able to contact the seller directly, so I will have to return the item. modal sleep shorts To top it off theyre tricky to extract from the case and I have small fingers so goodness knows what its like if you have bigger hands and the sound quality is tinny regardless of the different sound settings that come via the app, and when using them for phone calls the people on the other end say they cant hear me all the time. Since the listing does not indicate that the buyer might receive something other than shown, this is totally on the seller Blue Q! modal sleep shorts MONSTER bluetooth headphones are very easy to connect. modal sleep shorts light, simple, cheap, it works as intended. My garage is 24" on center, and finished. These shoes were a perfect fit. modal sleep shorts I contacted the seller for warranty replacement and they wanted photo documentation of the problem. Not a deal breaker but just keep that in mind.
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