(2) Person #1 pushes long screw (parts B&L&D) through the bottom of the heavy metal base and metal cover (parts J&I). Modified a bit but eventually fit perfectly in my small wine glass cabinet dc spartan wc The dealbreaker is the fact that they break very quickly. They work but if your looking for brushes that you won’t have to trim or fix and will last then I wouldn’t get these. dc spartan wc However, the thumb holes are too small or not designed for people whose purlicue is far from their wrist and I dont exactly have the hands of a strongman or webbed fingers! dc spartan wc Ich habe einen breiten Fuß, einen hohen Rist und Ballenprobleme, das bedeutet nach längerem Laufen, Gehen oder Stehen schmerzen die Füße in den meisten Laufschuhen. Daher eine Nummer Größer genommen! Los llevo durante horas y no me canso. dc spartan wc I like that it has a grip and closes properly. Very easy to carry and a prrfect companion whrn you have to work dari from people
dc spartan wc