Other than that its a great low cost headset. This was easy to put together and install. garmin hrm1g heart rate monitor Clarity. I personally have a lower tone of voice, so it brings my voice across without making it sound compressed or coming out of a can. garmin hrm1g heart rate monitor When I initially used their email links on their website to inquire about some of the features I was having a hard time getting to work, I was immediately rewarded with an automated response email that said I was assigned a case number and told I could expect a response within 3 working days, or maybe just a little longer due to the "high volume" of support requests (that should have been a clue). garmin hrm1g heart rate monitor The space between bottom and middle shelf gets smaller towards to back so taller stuff has to be more to the front. First time using, but so far, Im very happy. I looked through the owners manual and Sonys website, and about all it would say was that all Sony USB drives were compatible, and the system would play MP3 and WMA files. garmin hrm1g heart rate monitor ; these are perfect to keep my feet warm - not sweaty hot - no matter what the temp. Perfect embellishment to match the jewelry I chose to wear with it!
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