Hides bunions and foot defects I ordered these Yoguis as they looked very similar. tnf cyclone {Would not buy ever again} These are great for noise isolation which I really like with earphones, I must add that, that is not for everyone as some people get a feeling of pressure in the ears. tnf cyclone Comfortable, with good padding, doesnt interfere with the cancellation. tnf cyclone Ive nodded off a few times while wearing them and the airline stewardess has to shake my arm to jostle me awake so that I can put my seat up for landing. Love these trainers for dog walking and running. If you prefer a stiff sole or just want a pair of slippers to have on while sitting around, these may work for you. tnf cyclone I walk anywhere between 1-3 miles at work everyday, climb in and out of planes and every other hard thing you can do to your feet. You won’t be disappointed!
tnf cyclone