The thumb grips actually rub against the wrap--when fully revolving it--which tugs at the wrap. I have 2 pairs of these; one to wear barefoot in the summer, and one to wear with socks in the winter. adidas liberty cup Bummer as they were decent well priced slippers. Le résultat est vivant, avec une impression dêtre destiné à un lectorat plus jeune. adidas liberty cup What rocks about these over the adult Keens (besides the price) is that you have separate adjustment at the ankle and thats what I needed since my ankles swell sometimes and yet sometimes I have problems with my pinky toes and need things looser there. adidas liberty cup The only cons are what I stated above concerning the pins and the modification I had to make, but also this companys blatant, shameless attempt to ride the coattails of a very popular fitness brand and app from the name, and especially the logo. 2 tracks 24" long. The cord is quite long, so most of the time I can just lie in bed with these headphones on while still connected to my PC. adidas liberty cup I wasnt able to get Alexa working right. Sigh.
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