Y sí, es cierto que para mi es muy importante, pero me he dado cuenta que realmente no se queda tan lejos en estos aspectos: Con la cancelación de ruido he visto que prefiero no aislarme por completo y no sentir esa presión en los oídos; el sonido se puede ecualizar a tu gusto y la app te da muchas opciones (Recomiendo el efecto de sonido club, que mejora sustancialmente los graves sin perder casi en medios ni agudos); el volumen es lo único que me molesta ya que al subir más el volumen para dejarlo I should of gotten an 8. nike store santa barbara Yeah right. Im impressed with quality of the metal (nice weight) and it has been dipped in plastic/silicone on the hooks. nike store santa barbara I gave 5 stars because they say they are comfortable, they look nice, they seem very sturdy and not cheap looking. nike store santa barbara this one has very large thick rubber suction cups between the magnets and roof making it with added strength on attachment as well as added protection to any paint damage from what magnet mounts can do to vehicles. What you need to know: connections on the back are not what you might expect. But the pink metalllic floating bits belong to the case. nike store santa barbara Hardly feels like they are there. Excited to wear these this winter.
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