Principal’s Desk

Andhra Christian Theological College is the fruit of ecumenical movement of the Churches in Andhra Pradesh during 20th century, which was established in 1964 with the great vision “To equip the Saints for the work of ministry” (Eph. 4:12).

The Andhra Lutheran Theological College at Rajahmundry of Lutheran Churches. The Andhra United Theological College at Dornakal of CSI Churches. Baptist Theological College at Kakinada of CBCNC Churches, The Ramapatnam Baptist Theological College of STBC Churches formed as union and established Andhra Christian Theological College as an ecumenical College. Later on SALC, GSELC and Methodist Churches joined.

ACTC is providing theological education with the vision of ecumenism to the churches in AP and Telangana. After bifurcation of the State, ACTC continued in Telangana capital city Hyderabad. It is located at heart of Hyderabad city with needed facilities.

Rev. Dr. T. Swami Raju (D.Th)

( Principal )

During last 58 years of its ecumenical journey with leadership of ACTC Board Chairmans, Members, Principals, Faculty ACTC has been developed in many ways academically from B.Th to D.Th stage. Now we are offering various courses through internal, external programs, Advanced Institute for Research on Religion and Culture formed as federated Faculty with the union of four theological Institutions - ACTC, HMI, CIT & MBCBC to offer M.Th and D.Th courses. We are offering B.Th, B.D, M.Th (OT, NT, Religion (Hinduism & Islam) HC, CM) and D.Th (Religions) as internal programs, DBT, DCS, BCS, MCS as external programs, M.Div through evening college, M.Min and D.Min programs as Pastors Continuing Theological Education.

We have 20 well qualified Faculty who received M.Th and D.Th from Senate of Serampore. We have well equipped infrastructure facilities – Boys Hostel, Girls Hostel, Women Centre, Library, Class Rooms, Play ground, family quarters and other resources. I thank God for his blessings upon me in entrusting Principal’s responsibility from June 2022 to serve this esteemed college providing theological education to Telangana churches and continuing with ecumenical vision.